TRP Health & Safety

TRP Recruitment Workplace Health & Safety Policy

TRP Recruitment are committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for all workers (including contractors and volunteers) as well as clients, visitors, and members of the public. Hazards and risks to health and safety will be eliminated or minimised, as far as is reasonably practicable.

The responsibility for managing health and safety ultimately rests with the person in control of the business or undertaking, directors and management. Workers also have important responsibilities for health and safety in the workplace.

We are committed to complying with the Occupational Health and Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2021, codes of practice and other safety guidance material.


The objectives of this Policy are to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable: 

  • risks to work health and safety are controlled through the engagement of all stakeholders in a culture of health and safety;  safe systems of work are provided and maintained at all times in all workplaces;

  • workers are provided with information, training, instruction and supervision needed for them to work safely and without risks to their health;

  • the health of operational and on-hire workers and the conditions of the workplaces where they work are monitored;

  • adequate facilities are provided for the welfare of our workers;  health and safety policies and procedures comply with legislative requirements; and

  • health and safety performance is continually reviewed and improved.


    TRP Recruitment is responsible for, as far as reasonably practicable:

  • Ensuring the business complies with all legislation relating to health and safety.

  • Eliminating or minimising all workplace hazards and risks as far as is reasonably practicable.

  • Providing information, instruction and training to enable all workers to work safely.

  • Supervising workers to ensure work activities are performed safely.

  • Consulting with and involving workers on matters relating to health, safety and wellbeing;

  • Providing the appropriate safety equipment and personal protective equipment;

  • Providing a suitable injury management and return to work program

    Operational workers and on-hire workers are responsible for:

  • Take reasonable care for their own health and safety

  • Follow safe work procedures, instructions and rules

  • Participate in safety training

  • Report health and safety hazards

  • Report all injuries and incidents

  • Use safety equipment and personal protective equipment as instructed

    Our goal is to provide a safe and healthy work environment that is free form workplace injury and illness. This will only be achieved through the participation, co-operation and commitment of everyone in the workplace.

    As a provider of on-hire services, the company is committed to effective consultation and engagement with workers on work health and safety matters. We recognise that we share a primary duty of care with host organizations in regards to our on-hire workers and therefore we are committed to consult, cooperate and coordinate activities with hosts to produce the required health and safety outcomes.

You can report a safety concern anonymously to or contact your TRP consultant directly.
You can also contact the workplace health and safety regulator in your state for information or advice.

WorkSafe Victoria T: 1800 136 089

SafeWork NSW T: 13 10 50

WorkSafe QLD T: 1300 362 128

TRP Recruitment Trading as the Recruitment Place Pty Ltd ABN 65 138 024 414